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Understanding Your Account Stats Dashboard
Understanding Your Account Stats Dashboard
Stephanie Angelino avatar
Written by Stephanie Angelino
Updated over a week ago

The Account Stats Dashboard provides in-depth LinkedIn analytics on all your account activity.

Questions This Dashboard Can Answer

  • How many invites did I send over a specific period of time?

  • Which campaigns are providing me with the highest quality leads?

  • What are the responses that a specific LinkedIn User generated via a particular LinkedIn Campaign - and what are the Profile URLs of those leads that responded?

  • Which people were invited to connect via a specific campaign?

  • Which campaign content converts best for my specific product or service?

Enhanced Timeframe Comparison: Current vs. Last 30 Days

Understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns over time is essential for optimizing your LinkedIn campaign strategy. We've updated the default timeframe for comparing your results to provide you with more relevant insights. Instead of the previous "Last 30 Days" default, your dashboard will now display data for the "Current 30 Days" as the default comparison period.

Getting Started

When you open your dashboard in a browser, it will show you the latest LinkedIn campaign analytics. When you enter data into the filters, the charts get updated automatically to reflect those filters.

1️⃣. The Filters

  • Campaign: Insert the full name of any LinkedIn Campaign.

  • User Name: Insert the full name of a LinkedIn User associated with your GX Account.

  • Action: Choose "invite" (to see the number of invites), "follow-ups, second follow-ups or third follow-ups" (to see the number of follow-up messages), or nurturing.

  • Time Period: Choose to see your GX activity before, after, between, or on specific dates.

  • Campaign Type: Choose between Acquisition, InMail, or Nurturing campaigns.

  • Archive State: Filter by active campaigns or archived campaigns.

2️⃣. The Stats

You can access your Account Stats Dashboard by clicking the 'Stats' button on the top-right of your Campaigns View.

  1. Overall Stats:

    • This table displays the overall number of invites, connections, and responses. It also calculates the conversion rate of connections in comparison to invites and the response rate in comparison to connections.

  2. Activity Graph:

    • This bar chart segments the amount of invites, follow-ups, and second follow-ups you sent per day, and the amount of responses GX saved per day. This is a good chart for understanding the efficiency of a specific campaign. Use the 'Campaign' filter at the top of your dashboard to see only the activity attributed to a specific campaign. The 'Time-period' filter can also be helpful here if you want to see a big picture of your GX activity over a specific time.

  3. Campaign Details:

    • This chart provides easy access to your Campaign content. While you're using the dashboard to investigate the performance and activity of a given campaign, it's always helpful to see the content producing those results.

  4. Export Dashboard Stats:

    • You can also download your campaign dashboard data in a CSV file.

3️⃣. Highlighted Account Statistics

The new feature highlights the following statistics at the top of the campaign dashboard:

  1. Invites: This metric shows the total number of invitations sent to prospects through your campaigns. Keeping track of invites helps you measure the reach of your marketing efforts.

  2. Connections: The total number of connections established through your campaigns is displayed here. Monitoring your connections allows you to evaluate your invite message effectiveness and your network's overall growth.

  3. Responses: This metric represents the total number of responses from your LinkedIn sales prospects. Tracking responses helps you understand the engagement and interest your campaigns generate.

  4. Likely Positive: This statistic indicates the number of prospects showing a positive interest in their responses.

Customizing Your Campaign Dashboard

You can customize your Campaign Dashboard to view even more information and get access to specific data by adding different columns. To add columns, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Columns Dropdown Menu:

    • Navigate to your campaign's dashboard.

    • Open the columns dropdown menu.

  2. Checkmark the Desired Columns:

    • Select the columns you want to add to your dashboard. Available columns include:

    • Actions: Displays available actions for each campaign.

    • Type: Shows the type of campaign.

    • Name: Displays the campaign name.

    • Warnings: Shows any warnings related to the campaign.

    • User: Displays the user associated with the campaign.

    • Potential: Shows the potential reach of the campaign.

    • To be Outreached: Displays the number of prospects to be outreached.

    • Outreached: Shows the number of prospects already outreached.

    • Invited: Displays the number of invites sent.

    • Nurtured: Shows the number of prospects being nurtured.

    • Connected: Displays the number of connections made.

    • Responded: Shows the number of responses received.

    • Responded to Outreached: Displays the response rate to outreach.

    • Likely Positive: Shows the number of likely positive reactions.

    • Deals Amount: Displays the amount of deals generated.

    • In Sequence: Shows the number of prospects still in a message sequence.

    • Last Activity: Displays the last activity date.

    • Clicked: Shows the number of link clicks.

    • Accepted InMail: Displays the number of accepted InMails.

    • Rejected InMail: Shows the number of rejected InMails.

    • InMail: Displays the status of InMail messages.

    • Creation Date: Shows the campaign's creation date.

By utilizing these features and filters, you can extract actionable insights for your future campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your LinkedIn outreach strategies.

Happy Growing!

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