If you are getting the following warning/error message:
This user (<user_email>) has reached the profile views limit for today, this campaign will restart automatically tomorrow. Please read this article for a detailed explanation:
One of the following three cases can cause it:
1) You created the sales navigator search URL on one profile and then used it for a campaign associated with another profile.
2) You created the search on the relevant Linkedin profile. Still, LinkedIn recently updated the UI of the user Sales Navigator account and the Search URL you generated in the past needs to be updated.
3) You are running CSV Acquisition Campaign.
How to solve this: π€
ππ» Duplicate the campaign
ππ» Login to the user's Sales Navigator account (the same user that is assigned to the problematic campaign)
ππ» Recreate the Search URL by applying filters
ππ» Copy the Search URL into the new campaign and click save
ππ» Archive the old campaign
If you need assistance along the way, please feel free to message us within the app or send an email to help@leadoku.io.
Happy Growing!